Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Meaning of Our Logo

THE CROWN and SCEPTER Symbols usually related to Sto. Niño, the parish’s titular. The crown symbolizes the Kingship of Christ, which we, Catholics, share thru the Sacrament of Baptism. The scepter symbolizes the authority of Christ on the Church, which we are part of.

THE CROSS Symbolizes our share in the passion and death of Christ, as we sacrifice our time and share our talents in service of the Church.

THE SHIELDEncloses the official logo of the Ministry of Altar Servers of the Archdiocese of Manila, which the ministry of the parish adopts. The shield is used to defend one’s body from external harm. In the same way, we use a shield in order to defend the faith we have received.

THE M.A.S. LOGO (adopted from the Archdiocese of Manila)>The two hands – symbolizes our skills and talents being used in our service to God.>The Thurible / Incense – symbolizes prayer being raised up to the heavens.>The Candle – symbolizes Christ our light and bringing Him as light to others.

THE MOTTO “ CALLED TO SERVE” This is in reference to what Christ have said, “I came to serve and not to be served.” As we joined this Parish Ministry, we came to offer ourselves first for others, not first for ourselves.